Personalised Health Index launch: are European health systems ready to face what the future holds?
Healthcare systems all around the world are facing a pivotal time. But in Europe this also provides a unique opportunity to rebuild the policy framework for health across an entire continent.
Experts agree that optimising digital and personalised healthcare capabilities will be key for countries trying to achieve future-ready health systems.
On 15 October Prof. Stjepko Pleลกtina (Head of Department of Oncology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb) and Pรคivi Sillanauke (Ambassador for Health and Wellbeing, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland) came together with leading European Commission (EC) representative, Ceri Thompson to mark the launch of the European Personalised Health Index. These countries were chosen as each represents a best practice example of data-driven personalised healthcare. They are, therefore, best placed to suggest how other health systems across Europe can follow their example and prepare for the digitalised future of health.
If you missed it, watch the panel discussion below or read the summary blog article here.
The key challenges from the discussion were captured by master cartoonist, Floris Oudshoorn. To view the thought-provoking image, head over to our Knowledge-base and filter for 'graphics'.
Guest Speakers


Prof. Stjepko
