🇲🇿 Mozambique
How FutureProof is the healthcare system in Mozambique?
How this score impacts life in Mozambique
Vital Signs and Measures
All measures, including the measures within the Vital Signs, are equally weighted.
In terms of lifestyle factors, Mozambique scores well for low alcohol consumption and obesity rates, but tobacco consumption appears to be a more significant issue. Socio-demographic indicators in Mozambique reveal a bleak situation with one of the highest DALYs and lowest life expectancies with significant differences for men and women in the region. While the incidence and death rates of sanitation-related diseases are relatively low, Mozambique faces challenges in maternal and childcare service delivery and tackling transmission of other communicable diseases, such as malaria, viral hepatitis, and HIV. The latter is particularly poignant, given that Mozambique shows a strength in its level of HIV testing, which suggests shortcomings in HIV treatment and prevention. Another area for Mozambique to look out for is its strong reliance on Overseas DEvelopment Assistance, which threatens the financial sustainability of its healthcare sector. On a more positive note, the country faces practically no shortages of essential medicines as defined by the World Health Organization - although the number of functions performed by its National Medicines Regulatory Agency suggests that Mozambique may face issues in drug regulation.