🇸🇰 Slovakia
How FutureProof is the healthcare system in Slovakia?
European Locations
How this score impacts life in Slovakia
Wait Time
Slovakian patients quick to get treatment
Slovakia ranked 1st for waiting times, indicating the majority of its patients are treated within three weeks.
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Radiation Therapy
Good radiotherapy access
Slovakia has a high density of radiation therapy equipment (3rd) which allows breast cancer patients to more easily access needed treatment.
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Palliative Care
Must improve palliative care
Low scores in the Palliative Care Vital Sign bring down Slovakia’s overall index performance, and improvements in this area are needed.
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Vital Signs and Measures
All measures, including the measures within the Vital Signs, are equally weighted.
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Multiple Sclerosis Index
🇸🇰 Slovakia ranked
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Housing Cost
Multiple Sclerosis Index
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Support & Management
Sustainability Index
🇸🇰 Slovakia ranked
Out of 30 countries for