🇭🇷 Croatia
How FutureProof is the healthcare system in Croatia?
European Locations
How this score impacts life in Croatia
Death Rate
Highest breast cancer death rate
Croatia places 28th for death rate of malignant neoplasms per capita, reflecting poor outcomes for breast cancer patients.
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Prevention & Diagnosis
Lifestyle changes needed to improve prevention
Lifestyle factors - such as alcohol and tobacco consumption and BMI – limit Croatia’s performance in the Prevention & Diagnosis Vital Sign.
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High density of radiologists
Croatia scored very well for number of radiologists (3rd), enabling breast cancer patients to more easily seek screening services.
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Vital Signs and Measures
All measures, including the measures within the Vital Signs, are equally weighted.
Did you know that...
Multiple Sclerosis Index
🇭🇷 Croatia ranked
Out of 30 countries for
Active Work
Multiple Sclerosis Index
🇭🇷 Croatia ranked
Out of 30 countries for
Access to rehabilitation centres per 100,000
Multiple Sclerosis Index
🇭🇷 Croatia ranked
Out of 30 countries for
Diagnosis and Outcomes