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Key facts about Europe

Fatos importantes Many strong performers in health data and infrastructure

Most countries perform above the average on the Health Information Vital Sign, which is driven by consistent high scores on cancer registries and patient data control, although there is room for improvement on Electronic Health Records.

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Fatos importantes Less disparity on Policy Context

The majority of countries are clustered around the average score in the Policy Context Vital Sign. The notable exception is Finland, which has a 12 point lead to Austria in second place.


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Fatos importantes Potential for progress on health services

Health Services is the Vital Sign with the lowest average score, with access to patient portals and R&D spending as areas for many countries to improve.

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Overview of European Countries

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Personalised Health Index launch: are European health systems ready to face what the future holds?

Index Launch |  | 15:00 - 16:00 CET
Are European health systems ready to face what the future holds?

Você pode contribuir? Se você é faz parte do governo, grupo de pacientes, é parlamentar ou tem idéias para compartilhar, fale conosco...

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