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Defining the building blocks for Personalised Healthcare

With so many moving parts, Personalised Healthcare may sound confusing. Read on to find out more about the building blocks that make up Personalised Healthcare.

Many different elements come into play for Personalised Healthcare

Currently, we have identified 50 such elements

Each of the 50 elements is unique

For example, they might include:

  • Vision & commitment to personalised healthcare
  • Secure, user-friendly software to collect, access & share health data
  • Integration of new software & technologies to intuitively collect & pool data, & improve data analytics (e.g. AI, blockchain, SaMD)
  • Support for research & translation of R&D into clinical practice

The 17 building blocks are arranged into four categories which underpin Personal Healthcare

We now have a clear framework for Personalised Healthcare

When we bring the four categories together, we have a complete view of the building blocks for Personalised Healthcare

Take a look at a building block category in more detail